



Microsoft Teams Live Events

New era for live broadcasts: Microsoft Teams Live Events

Microsoft Teams is well known and widely used as a meeting alternative in countless companies. With the Teams Live Event, Microsoft has ushered in a new era for live broadcasts and video streaming. Thanks to this tool, video conferences can be broadcast with a very wide reach. Conferences, seminars and workshops with up to 20,000 participants can be professionally hosted and managed.

Microsoft Teams Live Events are not available for every user. According to Microsoft, there are several conditions:

  • Eine Office 365 Enterprise E1-, E3- oder E5-Lizenz bzw. eine Office 365 A3- oder A5-Lizenz
  • Im Microsoft Teams Admin Center muss eine Berechtigung zum Erstellen von Live-Ereignissen vorliegen 
  • Volle Team-Mitgliedschaft in der Organisation 
  • In den Richtlinien für eine Teambesprechung können private Besprechungen, Bildschirmübertragung und das Teilen von IP-Videos geplant werden 

In addition, there are various system requirements for the Live Event, which Microsoft supports and defines as follows:

Operating systems: Windows 7 or higher (32-bit and 64-bit), macOS X 10.10 or higher.

Mobile operating systems: Android 4.4 or higher, iOS 10 or higher

Web browsers: Chrome (latest 3 versions), Microsoft Edge RS2 and above, Firefox (latest 3 versions), Internet Explorer 11, Safari.

Note: Linux is not supported for live events.

Brief interim conclusion: the live events are intended as a one-to-many tool. The host presents his content while the other participants primarily view the shared content. Interaction can take place via a question-and-answer tool.

The first steps with Microsoft Teams Live Event

First of all, there are different roles at a Microsoft Live Event. This is because there are usually different people working together at such a large event. Below we introduce four different types: Organiser, Producer Moderator and Participant.

The organiser plans the live event. He makes sure that all participants have the right permissions and chooses the production method. He sets the event options, such as a Q&A.

The producer controls the live event. He starts and stops the stream and shares his own video. The producer chooses the layout as well as the screens of the participants. The producer is therefore mainly responsible for the visual appearance of the stream.

The moderator leads through the live event. He can present audio or video contributions and, if desired, moderate questions and answers.

In contrast to a normal team meeting, the viewers are only in the participant role. This means that their camera image is not displayed, they can only see and hear. Another difference is the dial-in to the live event. The viewers dial in via a preparatory event link and not via the Teams app as usual.

Who can participate in Microsoft Teams Live Event?

This can be determined in advance by the organiser. In the case of a public Live Event, anyone with the link can participate without prior registration. If the Live Event is limited to certain people or department, a private event is recommended.

Our services as a livestream partner

Highly professional implementation and clearly structured planning for congresses, press events or livestream events: we supervise and organise professional team live conferences for our clients.

Our services in detail:

  • Informationen zur Funktionsweise von Microsoft Live Events in Teams
  • Wir richten uns nach Ihren Anforderungen, welcher Dienst verwendet werden soll
  • Mit den Speakern und Teilnehmern führen wir einen Best Practice Workshop vor dem Live Event durch 
  • Konfiguration und Einrichtung des Teams Live Event
  • Als Kunde haben Sie bei uns immer einen kompetenten Ansprechpartner an der Seite 
  • Wir planen auch Assistenz und Logistik für die Probe und Ihre Veranstaltung 
  • Das Team der Produzenten unterstützt alle zugeschalteten Speaker dabei, die Audio und Video Qualität zu optimieren
  • Während des Events steuern wir die Zuschaltungen sowie Fragen und sind mit dem kompletten Überblick für Sie vor Ort
  • Falls es Probleme während des Livestreams geben sollte, helfen wir unkompliziert und schnell
  • Nach dem Event breiten wir für Sie relevante Zahlen auf. Dazu zählen Zugriffe, Interaktionen und auch das Recording des Events, sowie das Beantworten von noch ausstehenden Fragen. 

If you are looking for an agency for Microsoft Teams Live Event, we as your Munich Livestream Team would be happy to receive your enquiry for remote or on-site production. Just give us a call on 089 41 41 453 10, but we at Stream1 also offer our clients support with other livestream productions: Professional teams live conferences, organised and supervised by our livestream specialists from Munich for your audience.

