It is the last possible date for recording. Actually, a “ghost performance” should have taken place, i.e. without an audience, in order to record the opera piece purely for the camera. But that was not possible for scheduling reasons. So how can you record a completely sold-out performance with 5 cameras without disturbing the audience, actors or technology and still produce a very good image with close-ups, half-totals and long shots?> > Of course with us and the Canon CRN 500 PTZ cameras. We are real fans of this camera, as the operation, light intensity and above all image quality are really impressive. Instead of using 5 camera operators, we divided the operation of the 5 cameras between two camera operators: Totale was not touched but with the two left cameras (Close and Halbtotale), as well as the counterpart on the right side we showed exciting angles and beautiful images. Despite the rather dark image composition, the Canons with the 1 inch sensor “fought through” well and in the end a recording of the opera could be handed over. We did not do the editing in this case, we just deliver the 5 recording feeds from the camera.
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